Development of Darnick – have your say

Land at Darnlee is designated for development

Scottish Borders Council’s proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) has a section on Darnick, designating land for housing development and suggesting other land may be available in future.

The council is now seeking comments on the plan, which sets out land use proposals and planning policies to guide development and inform planning decisions over the next ten years.

The proposed LDP includes:

  • A development site at Darnlee, on Abbotsford Road
  • The suggestion that “there is potential in the longer term to expand the village to the west of Darnlee.”

The deadline for any representations to SBC is 25th January 2021.

Several villagers have approached the Darnick Village Development Trust (DVDT) regarding the plan and the Trust had planned to host an information evening to allow people to discuss it.  However this is not possible with the current restrictions due to Covid, so the DVDT has now produced a leaflet to inform villagers who wish to respond to the council.

Angie Stormont, Chair of DVDT, said:” The leaflet gives further details on the plans and issues that residents may wish to consider when writing a personal response to SBC.  The leaflet also includes a copy of the settlement profile for Darnick.

“The DVDT will be preparing its own response, but individual representations hold more weight than a single response signed by many people, or multiple ‘cut and paste’ responses.  If people have views on the plan they should write direct to the council before the deadline of 25th January.”

SBC is encouraging people to submit representations on their Citizen Space tool  but you can also email or write to: Forward Planning, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells, Scottish Borders, TD6 0SA.

If you would like to discuss your views or seek clarification on any of the issues raised in the leaflet, please email DVDT:

Useful links:

The proposed Local Development Plan:
Volume One outlines the relevant planning policies whilst Volume Two describes the settlement profiles, i.e. the areas included for development.

DVDT information leaflet: DVDT LDP information leaflet

SBC comments tool: Citizen Space



  1. Mary van Heerden

    Can’t bear this plan for a housing project at Darnlee. So much for us living in a conservation area.Darnick has had enough now. More ghastly ugly houses, no thank you.

  2. Anne Edwards

    Stop this madness in Gattonside and Darnick. We must preserve the beauty of the Borders. This over development is destroying our local villages and putti g strain on our services. Not surprising SBC planning dept has such a bad name with anyone other than their pals the builders.

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